Article. I

This organization shall be known as the National Alliance of Floral Associations. This name was unanimously approved by the members in attendance at the meeting in Indianapolis Indiana, October 15, 2001.

Article. II Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be the cooperative effort of the members in problem solving; the development and improvement of services to each member and their respective association; the dissemination of information to its members; and educational enlightenment relative to association management.

Article III. Membership

Any state, multi-state or national floral non-profit association is eligible for membership subject to the approval of the board.

Article IV. Dues

Dues shall be payable on a yearly basis and in the amount recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by 2/3 majority affirmative vote of the members present at a regular meeting. Dues shall be payable at the annual meeting.

Article V. Voting Rights

Voting rights are limited to one vote by a representative of any dues paying floral association member organization.

Article VI Board of Directors

1. Composition: The Board of Directors shall consist of President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer and three directors elected by the membership. The executive, or in cases where there is no executive, designated member representative, shall be eligible to serve as officers of the association. Only one member association representative can serve on the board of directors at any given time.

2. Nominations and Elections: Nominations and elections will be held at the annual meeting.

3. Terms: Term of Office shall be 2 years.

4. Term Vacancies: Should a vacancy occur, the Board of Directors should appoint someone to fulfill the unexpired term.

5. Meetings: There shall be one meeting held each year at a date and location approved by the board. Meetings shall be rotated among the participating associations. Twenty five percent (25%) of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

Article VII Committees

The board as needed shall appoint committee.

Article VIII Amendments

Amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present at one of the regular meeting.

Article IX

Roberts Rules of Order shall govern any situation not covered by the above by-laws.